Publishers address

Scarthin Books, The Promenade, Scarthin, Cromford, Derbyshire, England DE4 3QF

Police Dog Rudi

Police Dog Rudi
Ready for action

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Police Dog Peach/Pc Peach and the Crown Prosecution Service

It seems that the CPS have taken exception to this statement when mistaking the name of Police Dog Peach for that of a Police Constable, West Midlands Force and asking for a witness statement. It has now hit the National Press and I think it is deserving of a place in Police Dog History.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Pc Dave Simpson and PD Prince Leicestershire

Another one from Dave Simpson with PD Prince c1970's

Monday, February 11, 2013

Pc Fred Holtby, North Riding Police Dogs

Pc Fred Holtby, Guisborough

My thanks to his daughter Chris for these

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Nottingham City Police Standing Orders 1929

Although my research indicates the use of a Police Dog by Nottingham City Police from 1910, I can find no mention of such use in a subsequent 'Standing Order' close to that time.
An extract, purely for interest, is as follows:-


Issued by Lieut.-Col. FRANK BROOK, D…SO., M.C.
Chief Constable

Chief Constable’s Office

1st January, 1929.


Each constable will be enrolled for 2 years on probation which may be extended for a period of six months.
During to probationary period he will be required to attend                                                                     Education, Police Duty, First Aid, Drill and Physical Training, and Swimming and Life Saving Classes provided, and to pass examinations therein.
A constable on probation will be dismissed if he is not likely to become an efficient officer.

 He will devote his whole time to the Police service of the City. He is not permitted to hold any other office or employment or carry on any other trade or calling. He is not allowed, without the Chief Constable’s permission, to reside at any place where is wife or any member of his family carries on any business.

 He will serve and reside where directed.
He is not permitted, without the consent of the Chief Constable, to receive  lodger or sub-let a part of the house which he occupies, whether such house is provided by the Police Authority or not.

     He is to obey promptly all lawful orders given by persons placed in authority over him, and to conform to all rules and regulations of the Force made from time to time.

     Single men desirous of marrying must first obtain the sanction of the Chief Constable.

     The pay of each rank is fixed by the scale adopted for the Force. Two Special Advances and two Additional Increments are obtainable by constables under conditions laid down in Police Regulations. In accordance with the Police Pensions Act, 1921, a deduction of five per cent. Is made from pay towards superannuation.

 Rent, Boot, and other allowances are granted according to regulations in force.

     Police uniform and accouterments will be supplied free and he will appear in such uniform at all times when on duty unless otherwise directed.

 The normal daily period of duty is eight hours, performed in one tour with an interval for refreshment, but the period of duty may be extended when necessary.

 Every member of the Force is granted annual leave of absence from duty according to the scale laid down, in addition to one day in seven. Officers off duty must leave their addresses at their houses or lodging when they go out of the City.

 Qualifying Examinations must be passed before officers will become eligible for promotion to the ranks of Sergeant and Inspector.

 The services of a Police Surgeon are provided for members of the Force.

A deduction is made from pay during sickness as follows:

Inspectors                 2/- per day
Sergeants                 1/6 per day
Constables               1/- per day

 No deduction is made when an officer is certified “Inured on duty”

 He shall not resign or withdraw himself from his duties unless allowed to do so in writing by the Chief Constable, or unless he shall have given the Chief Constable one month’s previous notice in writing. If he resigns or withdraws without leave or notice he is liable to forfeit all pay due and to be charged before a Magistrate.

 He will be liable to dismissal for unfitness, negligence or misconduct.
In the event of dismissal or resignation he shall forthwith return every article of clothing and accouterments, and other necessaries supplied to him for the execution of his duties. If such articles have been improperly used or damaged he will be required to make good such damage.

     He will not retain gratuities without permission of the Chief Constable.

 He is not permitted to be a member of any Trade Union or Political Society. Any member of the Force joining such society or union will cease automatically to be a police officer.

 Constables will be expected to take an active part in the Athletic Club and the organisations connected with the Force

     He will be subject to the Police Regulations of 1920, made by the Secretary of State and subsequent amendments thereto.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

David Houldsworth Nottinghamshire Police

Dave Houldsworth (retired Pc 156/956), the man I have to thank for introducing me to my career with Police Dogs.

Dave Houldsworth, Ray Wood and Tony Barnett

Dave, Margaret and son Duncan

Dave Houldsworth and Joe Lloyd

Dave Houldsworth and Brian George

Sorry dates and Police dogs names not known.
Dave has sent me these photos so, hopefully, he can update me with the missing details.