Taff Sydenham
You’ve heard about the villains
Who roamed the old Wild West.
You’ve heard about their marksmanship
Twas shooting at its best.
There were heroes, there were villains
Whose lives were short and sweet.
But none could match the swiftness
Of a Dobe, called ‘Piddling Pete’.
A hero or a villain,
Call him what you wish.
His organ was his pistol
His ammunition, guess (his piss).
His accuracy uncanny,
His movement swift and neat,
He could hit a poodle in the eye
At a range of twenty feet.
Now life had been hard for Pete.
He’d never known his Dad
And every morsel he devoured
He fought for all he had.
He roamed around ol’
Until his feet were raw.
Fighting for his existence
And always evading the Law.
From Wembley down to Clapham
He roamed around quite free
‘Til captured down in Streatham
And taken to Battersea.
The kennel staff were wary
When Pete was around
And when they dared approach him
They wouldn’t make a sound.
For Pete was a crafty devil
And easily upset
And he’d cock his leg up
And squirt his deadly jet.
No-one quite knew why.
Then a poor old kennel man
Would get one in the eye
Things became quite serious
Behind the Dogs’ Home door
And the kennel staff all threatened
To pack their bags and go.
The Super’, he was livid,
“I’ll cure the dirty sod!”
He then went out into the yard
With a lead and a four foot rod.
But Pete saw him coming,
Twas a matter of life or death
So he drank 2 pints of water
And then he held his breath.
The Super, looked around the yard,
His face was red with rage.
When suddenly Pete appeared
From behind a clump of sage.
“I’ve got you”, cried the Super’,
With his rod held high.
But Pete, he beat him to the draw
With a jet straight in his eye.
The Super’ toppled over
And lay prone upon the grass.
Then Pete trundled over
And bit him on the ass.
The Dogs’ Home staff just cringed with fright
Behind the office door.
They could see the poor Super’
Motionless on the floor.
Pete was strutting round him
At an aimless pace
And every time the Super’ moved
He’d piss right in his face.
The staff by now, were quite aware
That Pete was getting madder
And watched Pete run to the trough
To refill his empty bladder.
Back to the Super’ then he’d go
Other dogs he would ignore.
Then he’d piss all over the Super’
Lying helpless on the floor.

UK Police Dog History
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